Our Counselors
Type of Therapy:
Our Counselors
Cedar Park Office
Lakeway Office
Providing Compassionate Guidance
We at Nurture Family Counseling® want all people to feel safe when seeking mental health support and are committed to providing compassionate guidance to everyone in our community who needs it.
We realize those who have suffered great injustices have more barriers to engaging fully and with emotional safety in counseling.
We acknowledge oppression in our community and the impact this has had on those seeking the non-judgement that is central to the therapeutic relationship.
While each of our therapists believe in empowering their clients through relational connection, we are aware that navigating early moments in the therapeutic process carry many unknowns for clients.
We recognize our efforts will be imperfect and at times we will be blind to the ways we perpetuate wounds. We pledge to be open to conversation, challenge and correction.
We are dedicated to continually reevaluating our practices to ensure we make changes that are intentional and sustainable.
To that end, we want every person who seeks support at Nurture Family Counseling to know that we as therapists:
- Recognize our own various privileges as well as experiences of oppression.
- Acknowledge that we have made mistakes and contributed to systemic racism.
- Are committed to learning the best ways possible to help our clients, which include challenging our own point of view and the majority, harmful narratives that show up in society.
- Are dedicated to growing personally and professionally.
- Will continue to engage in education, reflection, and self-exploration to create a counseling environment that is safe for everyone.