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Teens Use of Social Media

Decoding Teens Social Media

In the age of social media, knowing the language adolescents’ use and how they use it is an important way to assess for mental health, peer bullying and just generally understanding your teen’s mindset.
Girl Coloring

Are you getting a “real” play therapist?

Language is fairly new for even a very articulate child, so a competent therapist must be trained to use alternative routes for providing support and creating change with younger children. A trained play therapist can facilitate exploration and personal growth using play in much the same way a therapist for adults would use language.
Young brothers looking out car window

The Importance of Embracing Boredom

I would agree that technology and screen time can be valuable, but it also has some unintended consequences. And while boredom seems a nuisance we need to extinguish, it actually has some powerful benefits.
On Parenting and Therapy | Nurture Family Counseling®

On Parenting and Therapy (or On Being a Parent and a Therapist)

As a therapist specializing in work with families and children, I often hear the comment from clients: “with all your training, you must find it really easy being a parent”. My response to this, as you might guess, is both long and involved – no, not easy at all really.
No Drama Discipline | Book Review by Mary Hoofnagle

Book Review: No Drama Discipline

As a child counselor, I am asked frequently for advice or endorsements or opinions of a specific model or book. When I evaluate models for parenting I consider three things:
Tips for talking to your teen

Tips for Talking to Your Teen about Therapy

Even for adults the idea of going to therapy can be a tough pill to swallow, no pun intended. Now imagine being a teenager, whose body is changing, peer pressure is a very real and often times vicious addition to everyday challenges, and self-consciousness is at an all-time high.
Connecting with our children

Connecting with our Children

One day last year, my kids and I spent the afternoon playing cards in the bathroom while riding out numerous tornado warnings. Later that evening my daughter found it difficult to settle down for bedtime.